Discussion Cafes

In 2012 we introduced a new series of cultural events called Cafes of Three Generations. Each cafe featured three representatives of the respective three generations after Shoah. The panelists talked about the influence of the family history of Holocaust on both their personal and professional lives. We concluded the series in January 2015 with a cafe organized on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Auschwitz Birkenau camp liberation. These cafes were financially supported by JDC. Around the same time we opened a new chapter of this project and we launched a new series of cafes called I am Jewish and I Prosper (the title is based upon a Czech proverb.) The aim of the project is to reflect the current reality of the Czech Jewish scene and to increase awareness of the multi faced features of the Czech Jewish presence. In these cafes we introduce interesting personalities of the Czech artistic, social, political and cultural life. Our goal is to invite people that are primarily know through their work and not through their Jewishness. We wish to examine their personal and professional story and to the role of Judaism in their personal history. The cafe was launched as a community project and it aims to address not only the community members that are currently active and participate at community events, but also as an outreach for those that participate at such events only rarely or never. Therefore we decided to organize the cafe in a public space rather than in a JCC or another venue traditionally associated with Jewish life.

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Upcoming events

We invite you to the next discussion café in the series I am Jewish and I Prosper
