
Since 2007, we have been organizing an annual festive event on the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day (27th January), during which Holocaust survivors and representatives and prominent personalities of the Czech state meet together on the premises of the Czech Senate. We organize the event together with the Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic.

Educational Trip to Auschwitz

In partnership with the Department for Education and Culture of the Jewish Museum in Prague and the Terezín Initiative, we organized the third educational trip to Auschwitz, where we spent…

Good New Year!

Wishing you everything good and sweet in the coming Jewish New Year 5785. Good health, lots of good news and joy. Shana tova u-metuka!

2023 Annual Report

We are pleased to present our Annual Report for 2023. The Report contains complete information about our activities, the projects we support, our own activities and our management. The Annual…

Annual Report on the Anti-Semitism for 2023

The Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic has released its Annual Report on Anti-Semitism for 2023. For more information, see the press release. The Annual Report is also…

Summer Voluntary Work

We cordially invite you to a volunteer summer work at the Jewish cemetery in Čížkovice, which we are organizing on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, for more information please see the…

Chag Sameach

Tonight begins the holiday of Shavuot, which celebrates the giving of the Torah. We wish you Chag Sameach!

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Upcoming events

Commemorative meeting today on Holocaust Remembrance Day and the Day of Prevention of Crimes against Humanity
