Foundation for Holocaust Victims

Jewish Museum in Prague remembers the Terezin Family Camp

Židovské muzeum v Praze připravilo k 70. výročí vyvraždění Terezínské rodinného tábora speciální program, zahrnující koncert, tryznu, komentované prohlídky v Pinkasově synagoze, besedy s pamětníky a přednášky, více naleznete v…

Invitation for the "Trial" premiere

The OLD art group wishes to invite you for the premiere of the artistic interpretation of the original piece “Trial,” which will take place at the launching of the international…

Exhibition "Vedem"

Students of Gymnazium Prirodni Skola invite you for the continuation of the exhibition VEDEM. This year, the exhibition can be seen in the following cities Suchdol (16th February – 22nd…

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Seminar on Stress Management Based on Real-Life Experiences

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